The IMPACTS network annual conference took place in in Madrid on 10 to 12 April 2024 with the topic “Sustainable mobility and air quality in city centres”.
The different formats within the conference (keynote, sessions, panel discussion…) looked closer at
the following topics:
- Developing emission free city centres: Low emission zones and other approaches
- Just “push” or also “pull”: Do we need more and stronger regulation to make urban mobility sustainable?
- Solutions for high capacity roads: benefits for city centres?
- Car free/car reduced zones in city centres: experiences and learnings
Here you can view and download the documentation of the 2024 IMPACTS conference:
Conference Agenda
Opening of the conference

Opening of the conference -
María José Aparicio Sanchiz, General Coordinator for Mobility, Madrid City Council and Lola Ortiz Sanchez, General Director of Planning and Mobility Infrastructures, City of Madrid

Keynote presentation: METROPOLI. Designing Future Cities - Part 1
Keynote speaker: Naiara Vegara, Vice President Metropoli Foundation, Director Metropoli CitiesLab
Keynote presentation: METROPOLI. Designing Future Cities - Part 2
Keynote speaker: Naiara Vegara, Vice President Metropoli Foundation, Director Metropoli CitiesLab

CITYlogin: new ways of delivery in the city
Keynote speaker: Alfonso Molina, Innovation project manager Citylogin
Session 1 - Developing emission free city centres: Low emission zones and other approaches

The approach to an emission free mobility system of Amsterdam (vision, strategy, implementation, successes and challenges) –
Jillian van der Gaag, City of Amsterdam, Senior Policy Advisor Emission Free Mobility

Electrification of urban transport in Gothenburg
Mikael Ivari, City of Gothenburg, Urban Transport Administration, Senior Advisor

Evolution of the Low Emission Zone in Barcelona - Adrià Gomila, City of Barcelona, Mobility Director
Adrià Gomila, City of Barcelona, Mobility Director

Experiences with Low emission zones and other approaches to improve air quality in Rome
Fabio Nussio, Service Mobility Agency for the City of Rome
Panel discussion - “push” or “pull”: Do we need more and stronger regulation to make urban mobility sustainable?

“push” or “pull”: Do we need more and stronger regulation to make urban mobility sustainable?
Lola Ortiz Sanchez General Director of Planning and Mobility Infrastructures, (Madrid), Simone Rangosch (Zurich), Àngel López, Mobility Coordinator in the Barcelona Municipality, Eugenio Patanè, Rome, Deputy Mayor for Mobility, Naiara Vegara, Alfonso Molina
Madrid, Zurich, Barcelona, Rome
Session 2 - Solutions for high capacity roads: benefits for city centres?

Paseo Verde Suroeste: How a motorway becomes a new pedestrian and green walk
Pedro Fernandez on behalf of Lola Ortiz Sanchez, City of Madrid, General Director of Planning and Mobility Infrastructures

Complementary measures in the city centre to the extension of a highway with focus on the masterplan around the main station
Rupert Wimmer, City of Zurich, Department for Civil Engineering, Head of transport and urban space planning

Temporary closure of high capacity road Weesperstraat in Amsterdam
Willem van Heijningen, City of Amsterdam, Directorate Infrastructure Traffic and Transport Strategist
Site visit - Madrid Río

Short introduction: Madrid Río: How a motorway ring becomes a linear park along our river
Javier Berges, Director of facilities in Madrid Calle 30 and on the visit, Antonio Tocino de la Iglesia - Director Gerente Madrid Calle 30
Site Visit - Sol new pedestrian Area and Canalejas Mobility Hub
Session 3 - Car free/car reduced zones in city centres

Dublin City Centre Transport Plan 2023
Brendan O’Brien, Dublin City Council, Environment and Transportation

Central pedestrian zone in Lviv and the plans for its further expansion
Orest Oleskiv, City of Lviv, Head of transport office

Redesign of major roads as part of the strategy on CBD in Hamburg
Dr. Tina Wagner, City of Hamburg, Director-General of Transport

Traffic calming in the city-centre of Vienna
Gregor Stratil-Sauer, City of Vienna, Deputy Head of Mobility Strategies

Two actions by the City of Paris to calm public spaces: implementation of a limited traffic zone in the historic centre; feedback on school streets –
Cécile Honoré, Deputy Head of the PEPQA (Public Space Sharing and Air Quality) Department, Paris Mobility Agency

Pedestrian areas in the city centre of Madrid
Javier Carvajal Naranjo, City of Madrid, Head of Mobility Planning Department
Closing Remarks

Closing Remarks: Borja Carabante, Deputy Mayor for Urbanism, Environment and Mobility, City of Madrid
Borja Carabante, Deputy Mayor for Urbanism, Environment and Mobility, City of Madrid