This conference was held in the city of Amsterdam from the 8th to 9th June 2017.
Please see our conference summary, available in English and French listed below.
Conference Agenda
Session 1 : Welcome and Managing Growth - 8 June 2017

Senta Modder (Chair)
President of IMPACTS

Pieter Litjens
Alderman Traffic and Transport, City of Amsterdam

London’s new strategy for growth - Healthy Streets for Healthy People
Lilli Matson
Transport for London

Overtaking the car. A new mobility model, for a new urban model
José Manuel Calvo del Olmo
City of Madrid
Session 2 : Managing Tourism Mobility

Managing Tourism Mobility in Rome: lessons from Jubilee and ITS role in the future
Fabio Nussio
Roma Servizi per la mobilità Srl – Service Mobility Agency for the City of Rome

Encouraging the emergence of an efficient and sustainable touristic mobility
Claude Dargent
Conseiller de Paris and of 15th arrondissement

Embracing growth while limiting adverse mobility effects
Rick Batelaan
Traffic and Public Space, City of Amsterdam

World Café
Branco Broekman
Session 3 - Managing Urban Freight Logistics - 9 June 2017

Urban Freight in Berlin: challenges and advantages of growth
Burkhard Horn
Senate Department for Environment, Transport and Climate Protection Berlin

Matching innovative business models with urban logistic needs
Rosário Macário
City of Lisbon

New approaches to urban goods deliveries on-street and off street in Barcelona
Adrià Gomila
City of Barcelona
Session 4: Smart Mobility (Including Self Driving Vehicles & Smart Pricing)