The conference under the headline “How to win the future – liveable cities with sustainable mobility in 2050” took place on the 13 – 15 October 2021. In different formats like plenary sessions, panel discussions and site visits, we explored and discussed topics like (logistics) hubs, regional integration in planning, and conflicts and strategies for attractive public spaces. The General Assembly of the IMPACTS members took place on the last day of the conference.
Now you can view and download the documentation of the 2021 IMPACTS conference. In addition to a short summary and all presentation slides you can also download a video of the keynote.
Conference Agenda

Simone Rangosch
City of Zurich, Head of Department for Civil Engineering

Keynote: Permanent transition. Structural differences and factual common grounds in mobility policies in functional region. The Zurich case (video see above)
Angelus Eisinger
Zurich Region, Head of the Planning Association

Panel Discussion - How do we get our visions implemented? Why does change take so long?
Chair: Burkhard Horn
Secretary of Impacts
Session 1 - Mobility and logistic hubs: how can they contribute to sustainable urban mobility? (Chair: Burkhard Horn, Secretary of IMPACTS)

The Parisian logistics strategy
Michèle-Angélique Nicol
City of Paris, Directorate of Roads and Transport, Mobility Agency

Hubs – hype or future?
Willem van Heijnigen
City of Amsterdam, Department of Mobility & Public Space, Strategist

“Jelbi” and “KoMoDo” – experiences with mobility and logistic hubs in Berlin
Julius Menge
Berlin Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, Head of Unit for Commercial Transport

“Out of the box”: white label delivery boxes
Angelika Winkler
City of Vienna, Deputy Head of Department for Urban Planning and Transport Planning
Session 2 - The city and the region - common problems, common interests? Chair: Rupert Wimmer, City of Zurich, Department for Civil Engineering, Head of transport and urban space planning

Building a programme together on mobility and spatial development
Sanneke Bolderheij
City of Amsterdam, Department of Mobility & Public Space, Regional cooperation and mobility advisor

Low emission zone Barcelona region
Adrià Gomila
City of Barcelona, Mobility Services Director

Tallinn’s challenges between its golden circle and passenger ports in city centre (light rail, ferries/cars)
Jaagup Ainsalu
City of Tallinn, Transport Department, Head of Smart Mobility

Urban development and transport on the border between city and region
Stephan Schubert
Planpartner SA, Zurich
Site Visit at Glattpark Area
Session 3 - "Walking Seminar": new demands on public space

Guided tour in urban quarter of Zurich (Wiedikon)
Rupert Wimmer
City of Zurich, Department for Civil Engineering, Head of transport and urban space planning
Session 4 - Creating attractive public spaces: conflicts and strategies (Chair: Julius Menge, Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection, Head of Unit for Commercial Transport)

Cycling strategy and public space
Rupert Wimmer
City of Zurich, Department for Civil Engineering, Head of transport and urban space planning

How to deal with kerbside parking in residential areas: more space for greening, mobility sharing and other new uses in an existing neighbourhood
Brendan O’Brien
Dublin City Council, Environment and Transportation Department, Head of Technical Services

Lower speed limits – a contribution for more integrated urban space? (Amsterdam)
Various speakers (Cities of Amsterdam, Madrid, Paris and Zurich)

Lower speed limits – a contribution for more integrated urban space? (Madrid)
Various speakers
Cities of Amsterdam, Madrid, Paris and Zurich